Serenity Smile Designs

Should I Get Invisalign From my Dentist or Orthodontist?

Both dentists and orthodontists are qualified to provide Invisalign treatment, but there are some differences between the two. Cosmetic Dentists are general practitioners who have completed dental school and are licensed to provide a wide range of cosmetic dental services, including orthodontics, veneers, and dental implants. Our team at Serenity Smile Designs is highly trained in TMJ, Obstrtuctive Sleep Apnea, as well as fucntional and cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic and Functional dentists are generally better equipped to treat adults with Invisalign.

Visit Our Invisalign Page to find out more.

Orthodontists, on the other hand, are specialists who have completed additional training in orthodontics and have a specific focus on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of malocclusions and straightening teeth who generally focus on treating children and adulecents with brackets and in focus on cases in which growth modifications of the jaw are required.

When choosing an Invisalign provider, it is important to consider the level of experience and expertise of the practitioner and the age of the patient. Especially if you have bite, TMJ, or wear issues. Many dentists also have experience with Invisalign and can provide high-quality treatment regardless of your situation. Adults often require ancillary treatments such as implants veneers to give you the smile you desire.


Becoming an Invisalign-certified provider is an extra layer of training that your general or cosmetic dentist can complete. Dr. Erik Mendelsohn, Dr. Alexa Previti, and Dr. Amina Linn are all trained under Dr. David Galler and avid members of the American Academy of Clear Aligners. We urge you to look at your dentists smile gallery to see the types of patients they are treating.


How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

The average cost of Invisalign for adults is between $3,000 and $8,000, with the national average around $5,000. However, the cost can vary significantly depending on several factors, including: 

  • Complexity of the case

    More complex dental issues require more aligners and longer treatment, which can increase the cost 

  • Treatment duration

    The average treatment time for adults is 12 to 18 months, but can be shorter or longer 

  • Geographic location

    The cost of Invisalign can vary by location 

  • Insurance

    Many dental insurance plans cover Invisalign, either partially or in full up to a certain dollar amount

    Contact our office at 60646-1989 for a consulation if you are interested in finding out the cost to improve your smile.

What do I do if my dentures are loose?

Teeth belong in your mouth, not in your hand.

New Jersey Dentist explains solutions for loose dentures.

Loose dentures can be extremely frustrating for many people. It can make eating certain foods difficult if not impossible. Although dentures are custom fitted to a persons mouth the reality is that everyone is different and some people can adapt and learn to love their dentures, others simply cannot get used to them. On occasion the denture can be adjusted so that it does not overextend in area that are lifted by the muscles. A proper balanced bite is also very important to the fit of a dentures.






T-Scan Bite Analysis

At Serenity Smile Designs we  use  T-Scan to adjust all of the dentures make to provide the best possible fit, this helps by preventing off center bite forces from dislodging a dentures.








Denture paste

Unfortunately even with a perfect fit ultimately the fit of a denture is dependent of the size of the tongue, the floor of the mouth, and even throat anatomy and everyone is different. A lower full  denture is held in place by your tongue, which means you must learn to eat and speak while still using your tongue to hold the denture in place.  Many must use paste to help hold a denture inregardless of how great the fit is.

Dentures often loosen as time goes on since the bone under the dentures start to resorb over time making the situation worst. Dental implants are a great option for those looking to make a denture tighter.


At Serenity Smile Designs: Cosmetic, Implant, & General Dentistry in Egg Harbor Township we have had great success in pairing implants that contain snap on buttons with dentures to help stabilize them. If you already have a denture or need a denture, as few as two implants may be very effective in stabilizing your denture. This very affordable implant option will make your denture remarkably tighter, improving chewing ability and increasing self-confidence. You no longer have to worry about your denture falling out when you eat or speak, nor will you need excess pastes and powders to hold your denture in place.


In cases where a person does not want to wear false teeth or dentures that must come out at night, implants are very effective at replacing several missing teeth. Several implants can be placed to provide support for the  custom made tooth replacement option that best fits your particular case.

Traditional treatment options for tooth replacement, Crown & Bridge and full or partial dentures, address the  cosmetic problems of missing teeth, but do not stop bone loss.  Bridges also require that two or more healthy teeth must be prepared to serve as posts for a bridge. This can  leaving them at a higher risk for cavities, and the need for root canal treatment. If the original abutment teeth fail, more healthy teeth must prepared  to serve as posts, putting other healthy teeth at risk.

With implants, however, the healthy teeth are left alone. Dental implants, like natural teeth, also transmit chewing forces to the jawbone, which reduces bone loss that can lead to premature aging and weakening of the jawbone and the loss of chewing ability.


Full Mouth Dental Implants

Dental implants can be an  excellent option for the person who cannot function properly with a full denture. Implants can be used to fully rehabilitate a person’s smile while restoring both chewing capabilities – and confidence. There is a wide variety of options to choose from when rehabilitating your teeth. The best option for you will be determined during a  consultation between you and your dentist to give you the best treatment option that meets your needs. Contact our Egg Harbor Township dental office today for a consultation!




How much do veneers cost?

How Much Do Veneers Cost in New Jersey?

This is one of the most common questions in cosmetic dentistry and by far the hardest to answer and cosmetic dentist, Dr. Erik Mendelsohn a Cosmetic Dentist in New Jersey will attempt to answer this for you and guide you on the path to getting the proper cosmetic results you are looking for.
Porcelain Veneers are the most natural-looking and long-lasting kind of veneers, and they can be considered expensive, but also priceless. Research show that they typically cost between $900 and $2,500 per tooth across the country with some regions being more expensive that other.
There are many factors that come in to play when veneer prices are considered. The cost of veneers varies from patient to patient, and the price depends on factors like the condition of your original teeth, the number of veneers you’d like to get, and the quality of the materials used for your veneers, and even the technology a dentist utilizes in the design and placement of a case. More advanced technology and better techniques cannot always be the cheapest and you should consider those factors when choosing your cosmetic dentist.
The video link below provides a good step by step guide on what to expect:

Composite are less expensive than porcelain veneer, they function in the same way that porcelain veneers do, but have some downsides and they are inferior to traditional veneers. They are not a strong, stain easier, and do not look as natural as porcelain veneers. Composite veneers typically cost between $250 and $1,500 per tooth.
It is important to understand that veneers’ pricing is based on many factors. The prices mentioned above are broad estimates.
Some of the things that affect costs are:
-Level of Training-
Cosmetic dentistry is not something dentists learn in dental school. There is significant time, energy, and costs involved in learning to do veneers, and more experienced dentists with higher level of training may charge more than an untrained dentist. Dr. Erik Mendelsohn has extensive training in cosmetic dentistry, occlusion, and smile design.
This is by far one of the most important factors in determining the cost of veneers. Using a cheap lab may allow a dentist to provide a cheaper veneer but the quality is significantly different. Most cosmetic labs have very high fees with their cases because a master ceramist requires extensive training. We always recommend you look at smile gallery to see if the porcelain is something that you like and perhaps ask about the lab.
-Digital Smile Simulation- this required advanced technology used to give a preview and aid in the proper diagnostic design of a smile. Most dentists do not have this software in their office. Dr. Erik Mendelsohn uses  SNAP Imaging and Romexis smile design to plan all of his cases.
-Trial Smile-
The trial smile is something you must inquire about and it is made in conjunction with a cosmetic lab using a Smile Design Template. Most true cosmetic dentists provide a trial smile for optimal results this is crucial. It lets you have a test run to evaluate the esthetics, speech, and function. Once a patient loves the trail smile only then can you proceed to the final product.
Call today to setup a consultation for veneers and a digital smile simulation.
-How many veneers do you need?
This varies depending on the condition of your other teeth and the size of your smile and how your smile and chewing function or chew together. The number of veneers is alway a decision you and your dentist should make together and is determined after a smile simulation and digital records.
Teeth are like a key and a lock, and they must work together. If other teeth are damaged or improperly positioned they can ruin your new veneers if they are not addressed at the same time. Think of trying to change the key on a door but not the lock. If you try to jam the key in the lock, it will not work and may damage the key or the lock. Most veneer failures occur due to the lack of understanding of occlusion which is how the teeth bite and fit together.
You should consider veneers a long-term investment and with proper care and good technique porcelain veneers can last for many years. The upfront cost may be high, but many patients find that it is worth it.
What Are Veneers?
Veneers are thin coverings that attach to the surface of your tooth they mimic natural enamel in. Veneers are usually made of porcelain and have the appearance of a healthy tooth. They are used to address issues such as shape, color, or chipping.
Veneers are  very strong and natural looking if done properly.  They can last for many years as long as you are taking proper care of them and listening to your dentists instruction about caring for them, this may include a night guard and special hygiene instructions.
Veneers are typically made at a high end dental laboratory since not all labs are trained in occlusion or the more advanced materials that veneers require.
Your first step is to set up a consultation with your dentist to go over your goals and objective to decide if veneers can give you meet your expectations.
Before putting in your veneers, your dentist will reshape your tooth to allow the fitting of the veneer and fabricate custom temporaries with a Custom Smile Template made by the lab. You will wear the temporaries for 2-3weeks to test out the looks, feel, and shape prior to giving the lab the approval to proceed with the final veneers. Dr. Erik Mendelsohn will do a digital scan of the temporaries so that the lab will duplicate the size and shape almost identically.
Once the final veneers are made your dentist will use a tryin paste to evaluate the cosmetic look and feel of the teeth prior to permanent cementation. The goals is to ensure you love the results before they are inserted. From the consultation to the final appointment there are typically 3-4 visit with a total treatment time of about 4-6weeks.

Will My Insurance Cover the Cost of Veneers?

Some Insurance providers might cover a portion of the cost of veneers, but this varies depending on the plan and your situation. They are more likely to cover veneers if they are required to fix decay or disease, and are less likely to cover cosmetic procedures. This is all documented with photos and x-rays for review.
If you’re hoping to get the cost of veneers covered through insurance, contact your provider. They can give you more information about what your plan covers.
Whether or not your insurance will pay for veneers, there are many payment or financing plans available that can help you afford your treatment.
Dr. Erik Mendelsohn is located in Egg Harbor Township New Jersey and specializes in Smile Makeovers, but also proudly serves Mays Landing, Atlantic City, Linwood, and other surrounding areas.


How much does Invisalign cost?

How much will Invisalign cost? 

Serenity Smile Designs: Cosmetic, Implant, and General Dentistry 


How much does Invisalign Cost?

adult invisalignOn average, clear aligners will range in cost from $1,800 (do it yourself braces) to $10,000 across the United States. Regular braces are  often similar to these costs. These are average prices and may include at home trays. Invisalign’s official website states that average cost of Invisalign  can range from $3,000 – $9,000. The cost of clear aligners and orthodontic treatment is dependent on many factors and ultimately varies from patient to patient. Any  properly trained dentist will need a formal consultation to give you a cost estimate since treatment should be customized to a particular patient.

Cost factors may include:



  •  Case Severity
  • Overall health of your mouth
  • Treatment Time– straightening teeth vs bite correction
  • Geographic location
  • Experience of your doctor
  • Dentist training: Advanced Training
  • Type of Dentist: Orthodontist, General Dentist, Cosmetic Dentist
  • At Home Dentistry such as Smile Direct Club

Are Orthodontists more expensive than general or cosmetic dentists?

Costs tend to be higher amount orthodontists but that does not mean they are more experienced in the adult dentition. While orthodontics in children is a field that is often reserved for orthodontists, the adult mouth is often left to those experienced in the  adult dentition.

Are all invisalign dentists the same?

Training levels in invisalign can vary anywhere from a two day course to hundreds of  hours of didactic training and post op training. Dr. Erik Mendelsohn and Dr. Alexa Previti  of Egg Harbor Township are cosmetic dentists with extensive training in TMJ, Adult Full Mouth Rehabilitations, Implants and Invisalign. They both are members of the American Academy of Clear Aligners and are formerly trained by Dr. David Galler. Before choosing an invisalign dentist we highly recommend you look at their smile gallery prior to choosing you clinician.

Why Choose a cosmetic dentist for your ortho?

Getting your teeth straight with invisalign can be easy for some cases, this is not true for all. Quite often a smile may need a combination of veneers, bonding, bite refinement, and TMJ in conjunction with invisalign.  A cosmetic dentist formerly trained in those fields may better serve an adult looking for Invisalign and a better smile.

Will my bite change after invisalign?

Your bite  most certainly will change after invisalign. Getting teeth straight is often the easy part, managing bite issues after the teeth are straight can be challenging. Many people and even dentists don’t necessarily consider how a person’s bite will be effected by orthodontics and invisalign. Once straight the teeth no longer hit the same and this may be an issue.



Issue of bite changes may include headaches, sore teeth, and even TMJ. We recommend a thorough TMJ joint evaluation with a BioJVA prior to any orthodontic treatment.




Often times  dentists will tell their patient’s that the teeth will “settle”. Dr. Erik Mendelsohn and Dr. Alexa Previti are trained on bite changes  and full mouth reconstruction and will tell  you this is  not true.

In order for the teeth to settle they must move back into a position they  often need to shift which may make them crooked again, this is why many cases become crooked after completion.  The only way to prevent this is to do a bite refinement to prevent complaints such as  “My bite feels off” after treatment . We often see patients from other dentists that require a bite refinement after orthodontics. This is accomplished with a T-Scan. Which helps us to digitally calibrate a person’s bite.


Should I get “at home braces:

While this treatment may work for a few individuals, this may cause terrible problems for many. The issues we often se after DIY braces is bite issues which may or may not be severe, Headaches, poor results. Now some of those issues can be minor other times it can be catastrophic requiring thousands of dollars and significant time to correct. If you notice any of these issues after At Home Treatments we recommend seeing your dentist immediately.


Invisalign is an amazing treatment option for many adults and even some teenagers and will truly enhance your smile and give you more confidence in yourself. While costs of invisalign may seem high, an investment in yourself is often priceless and most dentists offer payment options.


Call Serenity Smile Designs located in Egg Harbor Township NJ for an invisalign consultation at: 609-646-1989



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COVID-19 Update

In recognition of ongoing news reports and the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus, we realize our patients have questions. As dedicated health care professionals, we want you to know that we remain as diligent as ever in protecting the health and safety of our patients and team. Read the rest of this entry »