EHT MouthguardAnybody who has a child participating in South Jersey organized sports worries about injuries brought about as a result of that sport. And it matters not whether it’s a contact sport like football or the less impactful activity like tennis. There’s always the threat of injury.

That’s why many dentists like Dr. Erik Mendelsohn— as well as the American Dental Association — are firm believers in mouthguards as being invaluable in protecting against injuries to the mouth. Dr. Erik Mendelsohn also believes that a custom-made mouthguard is superior to the ones you can pick up at your local sports store.

For one thing, a custom-created guard fits better in your child’s mouth, which means they’ll be more comfortable — and which also means your young athletes are more likely to use them. It stays in place while you wear it, so you can still talk and breathe easily. Also, because they fit well, it’s more likely that the guard will remain in place, rather than rambling all over the inside of the mouth.


Mouth protectors, which typically cover the upper teeth, minimize the risk of broken teeth and injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth. Using a mouthguard during any activity could prevent a blow to the face or mouth. A properly fitted mouthguard can help prevent broken teeth and injuries to the lips, tongue, face or jaw. If you wear braces or another fixed dental appliance on your lower jaw, Dr. Erik Mendelsohn may suggest a mouth protector for these teeth as well.

Serenity Smile Designs has been creating these custom mouth protectors for years and many of our patients — from high school athletes to middle-aged sports buffs — swear by our laminated mouthguards.

Using heat-pressure machines, our team creates different thicknesses of mouthguards for different sports, with those more prone to impact receiving the thicker guard. Our custom devices fit better, last longer than store-bought varieties, and certainly give better protection.

This is what we like to call “preventive” care because it prevents injury to those you love, whether they’re participating in youth sports or are active adult athletes.

Call today to schedule an appointment for your custom made mouthguard to ensure that your athlete is properly protected! (609) 646-1989